What Are Influencers and How Can They Benefit Your Business?

What are Influencers?

In simple terms, an influencer is someone who can make an impact on society.

They can be celebrities, bloggers, YouTubers, or public figures who are considered important in certain communities.

Generally, an Influencer Spotlight has millions of followers on social media. However, this is not always the case. Someone with thousands of followers can also be called an influencer if they have a big influence on the audience.

Yes, as the name implies, influence is the power of an influencer. They can be trend setters both on a small and large scale. Therefore, many business owners are partnering with influencers to promote products thanks to this extraordinary influence. .

This is what became known as influencer marketing.

Powerhouse showcasing is a marketing strategy where the company invites an influencer to work together to increase brand awareness and sales in accordance with the specified target market.

Before going into a deeper explanation, let’s learn what types of influencers are in the world of digital marketing.

Types of Influencers You Should Know

In general, the types can be distinguished from the number of followers and the media used to promote the product.

The following are three types of influencers based on the number of followers:

1. Micro

What are micro influencers? So, a micro influencer usually has a number of followers of 10 thousand people, even less.

Judging by the numbers, you might think that using micro-influencers is not effective for product promotion. In fact, quite the opposite.

the possibility to stand out for them to your item is consumers are 82% more likely to buy a product from a micro-influencer recommendation!

Not only that, micro-influencers have a more specific audience in a particular niche (topic). By understanding their audience, a micro-influencer is able to create content that is more relevant to their followers.

2. macro

If he has in excess of 100 thousand adherents, he can be known as a full scale force to be reckoned with. Generally large scale powerhouses are people who are widely known even though they are can be known as a full scale force to be reckoned with. Generally large scale powerhouses are to elevate items to more individuals. What’s more, utilizing macro influencers can make your item or brand look restrictive

3. Premium

These are the top influencers with the most number of followers. A premium influencer generally has millions of followers.

The Level of item buys from premium powerhouse proposals may not be as large as other influencers, but it’s still promising. The reason is, the reach of messages from premium influencers is incredibly wide.

However, you need to think about the suitability of the products you offer and the budget you have. Here are biggest upcoming influencer

On the other hand, the types of influencers based on the media used are divided into three:

1. Celebgram

An Instagram Superstar or big name is a person of note who utilizes the Instagram stage as an item advancement medium.

Why is Instagram potential for the Indonesian market? Because, Indonesia ranks fourth largest Instagram users in the world with 59 million users! These data show that utilizing the popularity of celebrity can be relied upon for product promotion.

2. YouTuber

Surely you already know what this influencer is, right? Yes, that’s right. A YouTuber is a person who uploads videos to YouTube about information, including product information. The role of YouTubers as product influencers is quite significant.

The reason is that more than 90% of internet users get to know new products through Youtube. If you work with Youtubers who have a lot of followers, of course the possibility to stand out for them to your item is even greater.

3. Bloggers

A blogger is someone who owns and manages a blog. Not a few blogs are used to review a product, such as Sasyachi’s blog which reviews various beauty products.

When a blogger recommends a product, it will certainly attract readers to try the product. If the blogger has a lot of loyal readers, product marketing will certainly be easier and more effective.